Quote Originally Posted by Tim33
The south korea issue is suprising i thought that would of been alot higher tbh. If only 1/4 SK dislike NK then whats all that military for lol. Would the money not better spent on food for the starving NK's ???
But they are already doing it. See these articles :

Japan boosts N Korea food aid (500,000 tons of food)
Koreas agree 500,000 ton food loan (500,000 tons)
US donating food aid to N Korea (50,000 tons, stingy compared to Japan and SK, but better than nothing)

South Korea also helps the North when necessary :

Aid shipment arrives in N Korea

I wonder how many of those interviewed have actually sat down and tried to get on with the Japanese or Vice Versa.
99.9999% of the Japanese have never talked with a North Korean (born and raised in NK, not in Japan) and vice versa. North Koreans cannot leave their country, and tourism to NK is almost inexistent.