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View Poll Results: What is your motivation to learn Japanese ?

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  • I want to communicate with my Japanese relatives

    57 7.64%
  • I want to talk to my Japanese friends or make some new ones

    290 38.87%
  • I live in Japan (so for daily life use...)

    62 8.31%
  • My boyfriend/girlfriend is Japanese or want to make one.

    136 18.23%
  • I (will) need it for my job

    152 20.38%
  • To read the manga or understand the anime

    289 38.74%
  • For the video games

    171 22.92%
  • To travel in Japan

    384 51.47%
  • I am interested in Japanese culture/language, etc.

    557 74.66%
  • For no particular reason or others (please specify in forum)

    88 11.80%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Why are you learning Japanese ?

  1. #151
    Maiko countess_d's Avatar
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    Many reasons...

    Well, I admit it mainly started with manga, I want to read and understand it, then it was added to anime, movies, actual books, newspapers, anything! I've allways loved languages, so I figured, why not Japanese? I have Japanese penpals so it would also be good to talk to them, and considering I would like to travel to Japan someday then it would also be good to learn Japanese because of that Plus I love all culture-related issues and history, and I like to learn history by the main language of the country it happened if possible (Yes, I'm odd ). So as you can see... many reasons.
    I started Korean for the same reasons, never got too far though

  2. #152
    Regular Member
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    Nov 9, 2004
    there are different reasons why i'm learning japanese.
    1. I'me interested in Japan
    2. i'd like to travel there
    3. i wish a japanese girlfriend, 'cause i like japanese women most.

  3. #153
    Envious of Nabeshin's Fro Fantt's Avatar
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    I've always been interested in Japanese culture and history, and I think learning a new language will help keep my brain cells stimulated. I'd also like to do some travelling to Japan, and would even like to get a job which will require me to speak some Japanese.

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Nov 18, 2004
    Australia (brisban)
    can any1 help me learn japanese plz of so u can talk 2 me on [email protected] plz i realy want 2 know how plz

  5. #155
    ロマンチスト CorDarei's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi
    can any1 help me learn japanese plz of so u can talk 2 me on [email protected] plz i realy want 2 know how plz

    Maybe if you spoke English, or at least some actual language, we could help.

    (Ok, normally I don't mind netspeak that much, but there ARE limits. This isn't AIM or MSN, you have plenty of time to type out the entire word.)

    (Damn you, smilies! You take all the oomph out of my posts, yet I am powerless to resist you)

  6. #156
    Join Date
    Sep 18, 2004
    I voted others, since I'll need it for my studies in japanese daigaku(somewhere next year, hopefully).

  7. #157
    Regular Member Sumiyoshi炭吉's Avatar
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    こんにちは。My interest in Japanese happened gradually over the past 30 years. Around the 7th grade I became fascinated with language, and began studying Spanish the following year. In high school there were four languages offered (Spanish, French, Japanese, and Latin). My course load allowed for me to take only two, so I opted for Spanish and French.

    In retrospect I wish I had chosen Japanese back then...

    In my 20's and 30's I got busy with 'real life'--wife and kids--and put the language study on hold. In my late 30's I became interested in the beauty of calligraphy, especially Arabic and Japanese. Two years ago I took a beginning class in Japanese calligraphy, and decided that studying the language would be a natural progression. (I plan to study Arabic one day, but after I've become more proficient in Japanese)

    Once I began studying Japanese, I became fascinated with the language and culture. So much so, in fact, that my goal is to go to Japan one day to teach English, and improve my understanding of Japanese language and culture while there. I feel that, for myself at least, I can become somewhat fluent in the language only by being immersed in it 24/7. So now at 41 years of age I am back in college part-time (still have to work full time to feed the kids) to get TESL credentials. I have one year of Japanese under my belt (just took the 4 kyuu JLPT), and will continue to study until I can reach my goal of going to Japan (in the next few years after the kids are all grown)

    So, that's this old man's story.

    By the way, I'm extremely envious of the members of this forum that are living in Japan or will be soon. I hope to join you some day.
    "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
    「世界に変革を求めるなら、自分自身を変えることだ。 」
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  8. #158
    Junior Member
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    Buena Park, Cal.
    My intrest in Japanese language and culture are all grounded in recent events, but my reason for learning both go back to when I was just a kid. Get ready for a long and boring flashback, everyone. ;)

    My family always opens our christmas preesents on christmas eve. You may be saying, "Wait, what do christmas presents have to do with anything Japanese related?" Bare with me here, please. Anywho, on christmas eve in '85 I received from an aunt a variety pack comic books, like the kind that used to be advertised for sale in all the american comics (I have no idea if they still offer those for sale as I haven't pick up an american comic in almost ten years). And so my love of comic art began.

    I can still remember the titles I got: spiderman, peter parker the amazing spiderman, the incredible hulk, uncanny x-men, x-factor, iron man, and the fantastic four. Man, I read those thinks until the covers fell off, which was only after about a week. Lucky for me, there was a drug store (they call them pharmacies here in California, but in Yoakum, Texas they still call them drug stores) that sold comics. They cost something like seventy-five cents at the time, and for a kid in a small town, that's a fortune; so, needless to say, I had to get a job. At the age of ten I was mowing lawns for fifty cents just to support my comics habit.

    Now, it just so happens that my family are strick Lutheran fundamentalists, which means, anything even remotely 'unwholesome' is forbidden. Guess what my dear old mom thought unwholesome? She might have let a few comics slide, but when the mound turned into a mountain, she was convinced that I was possessed by a demon and subsequently burned my entire collection before my eyes, then forbid me to ever buy another of the 'filthy' things.

    Oops, I'm writing a biography here. Sorry, I'll get to the point now.

    After the comic bonfire, I tried my hand at creating my own comics for my own enjoyment. It worked fine for a while, and I wowed my friends (and myself even more) with the little three and four page comics I produced. Unfortunately, mom got wind of it and that too was deemed unfit for a god-fearing little boy to be doing.

    Flash forward nine years. I was a Freshman in college when a fellow classmate showed me his collection of manga. You know what happened next, right? Yep, yep, hooked like a fish. Unfortunately for me, he also had a few other bad habits that I picked up on, and I got myself booted out of the university.

    Ahem, I'm rambling again. On to the conclusion.

    Flash forward again about ten years. I'm still hooked on manga (but happily not the other stuff), and I still enjoy artwork and storytelling. Imagine my joy when a certain manga publisher in the US anounced that they would be accepting stories for a competition.

    So here it is, boiled down to a thick, wet paste: I wanna learn the Japanese Language and culture because It will help me to become a better artist and storyteller.

    Fin. (At last)

  9. #159
    Silent Protagonist Carth's Avatar
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    To use it to gain power and make lots of money.....

    No really, I have liked the Japanese culture for some time now, which includes the food, movies and anime. I hope to go down there next year and if at all possible, if I can muster up my skills with the language. Maybe I can teach English to Japanese students.

  10. #160
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    i'm moving to japan soon, therefore i sould atleast be able to make basic conversations.

  11. #161
    Junior Member jkami's Avatar
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    Wow so many with Japanese wives! I learn because while in Japan one can't arrord to stop learning...also it's plain fun. I also love learning unused and obscure Kotowazas to see the puzzled expressions on my buddies faces...

  12. #162
    Regular Member nemesae's Avatar
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    I'm learning it because A.) I want to be able to read my manga, B.) I want to be able to understand what most bands I listen to sing about and be able to read their interviews and stuff as well, and C.) because I'm moving to Japan for a year two years from now. All combined: because it's fun and interesting

  13. #163
    Regular Member Roots's Avatar
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    I started learning Japanese because one day I woke up and realized that a lot of the things I like (video games, anime, etc) come from Japan. So I thought why not learn Japanese?

    I'm continuing to study it more than 3 years after my big "realization", but I have more reasons now. First, I'm a graduate computer engineering student and Japan is a hi-tech country, so being fluent in Japanese looks awesome on my resume. Second, I now translate manga for Yanime, a scanslation group, and on top of enjoying the manga I translate, it helps me improve my Japanese.

    (Right now I translate Mai-HiME and School Rumble, both truly awesome series. Go check them out if you get a chance: http://www.yanime.com)
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  14. #164
    Baka Desu Kimil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roots
    I started learning Japanese because one day I woke up and realized that a lot of the things I like (video games, anime, etc) come from Japan. So I thought why not learn Japanese?

    I'm continuing to study it more than 3 years after my big "realization", but I have more reasons now. First, I'm a graduate computer engineering student and Japan is a hi-tech country, so being fluent in Japanese looks awesome on my resume. Second, I now translate manga for Yanime, a scanslation group, and on top of enjoying the manga I translate, it helps me improve my Japanese.

    (Right now I translate Mai-HiME and School Rumble, both truly awesome series. Go check them out if you get a chance: http://www.yanime.com)
    Wow, The starts just like what I'm thinking now! But I want to go to Japan also for the sake of living in a country with a culture (At least where I live in Canada). Plus I want to teach english in Japan!

  15. #165
    天国に居る Damicci's Avatar
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    I like the culture, music, movies, anime, CARS ^_^. and people.
    My girlfriend is japanese/hawaiian and doesnt speak a lick. she looks more japanese than anything but don't tell her i said that. She loves hawaii even though we do not live there. But we both decided since we have the interest to learn japanese why not take it up. So a friend of hers decided since she is a teacher she would teach us japanese. So now off and on we have 2 hour classes but it's become inconvenient with school and work, so I have come here in hopes to keep up my practice and meet new people even japanese who wish to exchange knowledge Japanese for English. I have 1 japanese friend that I try to communicate with regularly and he thinks I am doing good but I wish for more. So I speak with the local workers at my favorite Sushi place and now Japan in a few months.

    Sorry for the long post.
    ☆Rieko☆ says:

  16. #166
    Regular Member
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    Jan 13, 2005

    My reasons for learning japanese

    1) Understand the japanese language anime/manga.

    2) May want to apply as an exchange student to Japan in the near future. With knowledge of japanese, I can get around easily & discuss some schoolwork in Japanese .

  17. #167
    The Hairy Wookie Mycernius's Avatar
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    I always been interested in Japn and it's culture and history. I amalso a fan of asian films, especailly japanese. I decided to laern japanese so I can watch these films to find out what there are saying, as subtitles do not always translate exactly what is said (can't stand watching dubbed films). It also useful to read things that are not available in English. Having recently learnt the Kana scripts I can at least read simple japanese. What a lot of it says is still beyond me. I am not a natural linguist and it will take me a while to learn the language, but I think it is worth it
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  18. #168
    Fire Star Man -Rudel-'s Avatar
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    I will be applying to college in a few months after my marriage to my Chou'utsukushii fiance in June. Definately will need the language and reading skills in College though. My fiance speaks Engrish pretty good, so I'm not worried about anything when I talk to her.
    I Listened Too:

  19. #169
    Chibi Chibi Malaika's Avatar
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    I wanted to learn japanese, because I think it'll be cool if you can speak japanese to the jap people and impress them that you can understand what they are saying, not only that, but to understand manga/anime.

    Clearly I just want to learn it, because I think it kicks butt, not to mention it's pretty popular as well.
    *~[Inuyasha x Kagome]~*

  20. #170
    Regular Member Mcspi's Avatar
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    I am learning Nihongo because I want to visit Japan one day and maybe live there for a little while. I have been interested in Japan for a very long time.

  21. #171
    Kendoka/Iaidoka SkippyDaStudent85's Avatar
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    I am learning Japanese for a few reasons...

    1 - I am very much fascinated with all things Japanese and I hope to travel there one day.
    2 - I have a Japanese pen-pal (see my avatar). I hope to meet her one day (most likely whenever I am able to go to Japan).
    3 - I have a thing for foreign languages. I have taken four years of Spanish and two years of German.
    Last edited by SkippyDaStudent85; Feb 22, 2005 at 08:28.

  22. #172
    None Of Your Business
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    Part of my major. . .at some point plan on learning Mandarin as well. . .

    Nice to know a foreign language or two if you want to work for World Bank or IMF.

  23. #173
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    I want to understand what tthey are saying, those japanes friends in the show or what not.. like when they talk amongst themselves, I never know if its about me (those foolish)... Well now you see I want to learn for communication, TV magazines and anime!

  24. #174
    Dust Bunny f0rk0's Avatar
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    Well, I will just come out of the anime geek closet and admit that my main motivation for learning Japanese is the animation this culture has produced and (thank holy Lain!) keeps on producing.

    Если вам говорят, что вы многогранная личность - не обольщайтесь. Может быть имеeтся в виду, что вы гад, сволочь и паразит одновременно.

  25. #175
    Junior Member
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    Mar 8, 2005
    i wanna learn japanese for several reasons,

    1. anime
    2. want to live in japan someday
    3. girls
    4. anime

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