Thank you, Minty! It was very interesting to read what you had to say. If I ever see "The Wedding Banquet" at the video store, I'll be sure to check it out!

Quote Originally Posted by godppgo
hello Mikawa Ossan,
Didn't see your post until now. Sounds like you did okay afterall! Just wondering, was your bro's wedding western style? Many young Taiwnaese couples now prefer western style wedding (eg, getting married at church then have party afterwards). Traditional wedding is less common nowadays.
I honestly don't know how traditional it was. The impression I got from my brother was that it was a kind of compromise.

We had the red envelopes, we the brothers went to her house on the morning to pick her up, I offered her tea when she arrive, there was no church, before the actual ceremony my family and her family were in a little room and accepted visitors wishing the newlyweds good luck, etc. The ceremony itself was mostly just a bunch of people giving speeches and then a big cake.

After the ceremony there was a huge dinner reception party.

My joke throughout the who process was that I was the "worthless" brother because I wasn't the oldest, nor was I getting married. I was just extra luggage. (Just a joke.)

By the way, we went with gold-colored neckties.