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Thread: English-friendly Japan

  1. #126
    Banned Mike Cash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    Nobody is looking at people's PM, what mikecash is trying to make you believe.
    I have asked if it is possible for admins/moderators to view private messages.

    How do you come up with the idea that I am trying to make anyone believe that admins/moderators can read private messages?

    And you conveniently ignore that jack2 mentioned both private messages and rep point comments.

  2. #127
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CC1
    So why haven't you 1) tried to put this thread back on track as I did earlier?
    I tried many times, but it would only degenerate further because some people were set to make it happen this way. Note that I never disagreed with the fact that many Japanese people cannot speak English well or at all, which was the main reason the argument started with GaijinPunch, then especially Gaijin 06, who would not understand, and others that supported them.

    or 2) create a seperate thread to continue this discussion in?
    I did it as fast as I could. If you look at the date and time, you will see that I posted the new thread between post #84 and #85 in this thread, i.e. before it started getting really nasty. We are now at post #125. 40 posts have past after all confusion had been cleared.

    Can you attempt to clarify this for me? The wording is slightly confusing!
    I was referring to the new thread and Gaijin 06, Silverpoint and Mike Cash posting irrelevant posts when they knew very well from this thread I did not wish it.

    The defiance you mention is the use of the rep system and free speach? Or the fact that (some) users do not agree with your point of view? If it is the latter, that is part of life.
    It is neither. The defiance is that the 3 I have just mentioned posted the following in the new thread :

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaijin 06
    Didn't we have another thread discussing this, quite recently?
    My first sentence in the thread was : "After the long series of off-topics and misunderstandings in the thread English-friendly Japan, I have decided to start over again on less ambiguous grounds. Let me state from the beginning that this thread is not about how easy it is for an English-speaker (that does not speak Japanese) to live in Japan or communicate with the locals. It is a comparison of how accommodating Japan is to English and English-speakers compared to other non-English speaking countries."

    He clearly did not even bother to read more than the title before replying.

    Then he continued with an ambiguous comment :

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaijin 06
    Sarcasm, it's just a seven letter word beginning with s?
    to which Silverpoint joined the thread and added :

    Quote Originally Posted by Silverpoint
    It's not sarcasm unless Maciamo says so. You should know that by now.
    and mikecash added one blow :

    Quote Originally Posted by mikecash
    Not enough people oohed and aahed in agreement with him in that thread, so we have to have a do-over here.
    This is what I call "sabotaging" the thread, as the posts are
    1) irrelevant to a constructive discussion
    2) slightly provocative
    3) come after the same 3 protagonists started picking holes and calling me names in this thread for reasons I still do not fully understand (almost certainly because of previous grudges).

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    "What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?", Winston Churchill.

  3. #128
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikecash
    I have asked if it is possible for admins/moderators to view private messages.

    How do you come up with the idea that I am trying to make anyone believe that admins/moderators can read private messages?
    I am sorry, but have rarely seen some so dishonest as yourself. Like in almost every single post of this thread, you deny obvious things, even things you had barely finished to write. 3 hours ago you wrote :

    Quote Originally Posted by mikecash
    The lack of integrity displayed by the snooping and publicizing of private comments makes it very hard to have much faith in the "Well, we don't do that here" regarding hacking into private messages.
    Then you post a daring vote of confidence claiming " abuses of admin power". It certainly cannot refer to checking the reputation comments, as it was part of the 1-year old rules. So, I conclude it means you still believe that admins can read your PM's, which we can't and wouldn't do even if we could. So, rather than propagating lies and defamations with your fundamentally dishonest mind, I'd rather have a vote of confidence on whether you should stay or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikecash
    And you conveniently ignore that jack2 mentioned both private messages and rep point comments.
    Is that too much asking you to read what I wrote ? I compared both rep comments and PM's just above.

  4. #129
    silent-buddhist Jack's Avatar
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    Part 3 of Maciamo's reply, yeah i thought that bit was a bit wrong when folk were picking into him and insulting him when he was stating a few things, so what if he's been places and likes to tell folk, this part of this thread wasn't nice.

    The part of it i dont like is the bit about pm's being looked at and reputation being looked at and well you get my point.

  5. #130
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PopCulturePooka
    So, without complaints from anyone who sent or recieved comments, how were you to know there were abuses being performed unless you decided to read the comments on a hunch, something you just admitted to not usually doing?

    What made you decided to check mikes, silvers and CC1's comments?
    I explained that in post #109. That was your first question !

    Quote Originally Posted by PopCulturePooka
    So when should you give reputation to someone ?

    Reputation is made to reward good members for their participation. I recommend all of you not to be stingy on reputation votes and approve any message that :

    - answered your question, gave your relevant information or made you learn something interesting
    - was well-written or funny enough to deserve recognition
    - express exactly what was in your mind (i.e. agree completely)
    Are you worrying about your own comments ? It wouldn't be nice to approve of a negative post toward someone else, would it ?

  6. #131
    Go to shopping PopCulturePooka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    I explained that in post #109. That was your first question !
    So... you decided to snoop on someone because they had a lot of rep quickly?

    How did CC1 or gaijin06 get involved?

    That still does not settle right at all and hardly seems like a justification.

    Why are comments they have made to each other of consequence to you in the first place? Your own rules for rep state:
    - express exactly what was in your mind (i.e. agree completely)

    What this seems like is you being unable to handle criticism, unable to handle people speaking ill of you in any way, unable to handle people questioning your authority or 'knowledge' and being unable to handle people disagreeing with you.

  7. #132
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jack2
    The part of it i dont like is the bit about pm's being looked at and reputation being looked at and well you get my point.
    See, Mike, you made Jack2 believe that some PM were looked. It never happened (it's just not technically possible on this very forum).

    You know, Mike, you remind me of G.W. Bush (whom you have claimed to support, for our readers who wouldn't know it). You get false ideas into people's mind, like the WMD in Iraq or trying to damage someone's reputation very much the way Bush proceeded against Kerry in the last election. Here, you want to make people think that admins check people's PM, as a way of diverting the real issue of this thread; the fact that I have proved you wrong on every single argument you advanced against me, and you finally resorted to name calling and dishonest comments (e.g. "I don't remember saying this or that" when you had just finished saying it), because that's all you had left. Your vote of confidence is part of your divertion to try to save your face, as you can never admit defeat against me (or anyone).

  8. #133
    Go to shopping PopCulturePooka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    See, Mike, you made Jack2 believe that some PM were looked. It never happened (it's just not technically possible on this very forum).
    I think that was a misunderstanding on Jacks behalf.

  9. #134
    silent-buddhist Jack's Avatar
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    i was hazy that it is possible at all, i mean i use to manage a forum, which in no way could i look at peoples pm's, but when someone claims that admin did so, you've got to be weary, haven't you?

  10. #135
    Five times to Japan. ArmandV's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    You know, Mike, you remind me of G.W. Bush (whom you have claimed to support, for our readers who wouldn't know it). You get false ideas into people's mind, like the WMD in Iraq or trying to damage someone's reputation very much the way Bush proceeded against Kerry in the last election.

    Oh-oh, now you've gone and done it!

    If William Jefferson Clinton, the United Nations, the CIA, British Intelligence and others (all prior to George W. Bush's administration) all had the same intelligence reports, and believed those reports, that Saddam had WMDs in Iraq, wouldn't you think there's something to it?

    In the case with Kerry, Bush didn't damage Kerry's reputation. Kerry's reputation was damaged by Kerry himself. The people who knew him in Viet Nam just exposed him. Can they help it that he's a sleazeball?

  11. #136
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    Frankly I'm appalled. Appalled, disgusted and disappointed.

    Maciamo. I've rarely agreed with you. I've found you to be pompous, arrogant and conceited. But, until now I've been quite happy to argue my case with you. To put my point of view and have you put yours. But now you've shown your true colors. And those colors are absolutely pathetic. In fact I would go so far as to say I find you abhorent.

    You are an utter disgrace to this forum. To admit that you actually go behind our backs and spy on peoples private messages (reputation messages), means that no one can ever post here again with faith in this website. I don't give a f*ck if you ban me, because I can't see myself continuing to contribute to this place when someone like you has any involvement in it. You should take a long, hard look at yourself, and wonder why very few people here like you. And I mean VERY few. You've lost the trust of so many people today. And what's more... You totally deserve it. You make me sick to my stomach.

    This is my last post.

  12. #137
    Banned Mike Cash's Avatar
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    Someone e-mail me when Maciamo no longer has admin or moderator status, please.

    mikecash AT gmail DOT com

  13. #138
    a non member
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    mike, and silverpoint, i hope the 2 of you guys stay... as i enjoy reading your posts, and i am sure other enjoy them to....

    you guys are throwing fishes to each other all the time in this thread... * ISAYHELLO.. come..* maybe you guys should find a way to be a bit nicer to each other, maybe not replying on each other, or respect how people just are....

    just i hope you guys all can be nicer, and respect each other...

    from.. Dave.

    p.s. i wont say anything else...

  14. #139
    Hullu RockLee's Avatar
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    For you people who don't know how it works:

    NO, you can't look into other people's PM's as an admin.
    YES, you can see who gave who bad rep and the comment with it as an admin.

    Simple as that.Silverpoint, get that candle out of your arse man and come back !

    I gave Mc Tojo good rep on a comment when he was on -2 rep balls.Because of my high rep he got into the Green zone again.Oh, surprised?
    ~ Parempi hullu kuin tylsä - Better crazy than boring ~
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