Quote Originally Posted by cicatriz esp
Gotta love the honesty of the Chinese government. I'd post the link to this article, but it doesn't work anymore.

You cut off a bit at the end, as it seems:

"The student's uncle, who had smoked for 30 years, died of lung cancer in February. To spare his feelings, his family had never told him the truth about his illness.

"I was shocked," Mr. Li said. "The government should be doing more. We need promotion campaigns to tell people about it.""

Now that is interesting, when I try to reach the page via the above link in the forum, it doesn't work. The same URL via Google works (but not the cached page). There is some secret technology I don't understand at work. For all those who want to read the article, I suggest to use Google instead of my link (or you could register for free with globeandmail).