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Thread: Japan set to send troops to Iraq

  1. #1
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Japan set to send troops to Iraq

    Japan set to send troops to Iraq

    Japan's lower house of parliament has given the go-ahead for troops to be sent to help with the reconstruction of post-war Iraq.

    Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi could send about 1,000 non-combatant troops to Iraq by October if the bill becomes law, as expected, later this month.

    It would be the largest foreign deployment for Japan's armed forces since World War II, which has angered some critics.
    They say the plan could allow Japanese troops to get drawn into the combat that has plagued US-led troops since the end of major hostilities at the start of May.

    This would violate the country's pacifist constitution, which forbids the use of force to settle international conflicts except in self-defence.

    Mr Koizumi and his cabinet ministers have insisted the troops will only be sent to areas "free of military conflict" and would be involved in a non-combat role, mainly transporting supplies and ammunition.

    But critics argue that such areas are ill-defined, given the level of attacks in Iraq.

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    "What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?", Winston Churchill.

  2. #2
    Regular Member senseiman's Avatar
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    I think Koizumi and the LDP are even bigger Bush lap dogs than Blair. Not only did they support the war, but now they are going to go as far as tearing down the nation's constitution in order to support this war that 80% of Japanese oppose. It is absolutely disgusting. And the only reason the Americans want Japanese troops there is because they know it will give the Iraqis someone else to shoot at. I say that the Americans and British made this mess and it should be up to them to clean it up alone. Koizumi is a fool for even considering sending troops.
    祇園精舎の鐘の聲、諸行無常の響� り。娑羅雙樹の花の 色、盛者必衰のことわりを� らはす。おごれる人も久し からず、唯春の夜の夢のごとし。たけき者も遂にほろび ぬ、偏に風の前の塵に同じ。

  3. #3
    free spirit lineartube's Avatar
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    On the other hand, Japan is, step by step, removing the strains on its constitution that were put by the Americans after WWII. At a long run this might be positive, since they rely less and less in foreign powers for self-defense and power projection.

    It's a weird point of view, I know.

  4. #4
    Regular Member senseiman's Avatar
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    Its kind of contradictory though. They are removing the restricitons on the use of the Japanese military, but they are doing so in effect to allow those troops to be used in the protection of US interests, not Japanese. So, it is hard to see how this will make Japan less dependent on foreign powers for its own defence.

  5. #5
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    That has been voted at the parliament yesterday among fierce fighting between MP's. I saw that on TV last night and was wondering why those barbaric politicians were "again" punching, kicking and tearing each other's hair in the Diet. That's at least the 3rd time I see this happening in 2 years in Japan, and I don't watch much TV.

    Japan to send troops to Iraq

    The vote deteriorated into a wild shoving match at one stage of the committee meeting as outraged opposition legislators tried to push their way through to get at the committee chairman.
    At least we can't blame them for not "fighting" for their convictions this time.

  6. #6
    Regular Member Erik's Avatar
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    LoL! Yes, quite amusing!!! More entertaining than canadian parliment! They barely fight, but they''re always yellin "yer mother" across the room at each other! hehe

  7. #7
    Regular Member philupthetank86's Avatar
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    wu huuuuu,,,, re militaralize japan, YEAH, * beltches,*
    Now, however, there remain faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

  8. #8
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    BBC News : Japanese team begins Iraq mission

    An advance contingent of Japanese military personnel has set off on a humanitarian mission to Iraq.

    first party of about 20 air force personnel left Tokyo on two commercial flights on Friday morning.

    Japan plans to send about 1,000 troops to aid reconstruction efforts in the country's biggest foreign deployment since World War II.

    Japan's constitution bans its soldiers from fighting overseas, and the mission has raised opposition at home.

    A special law allowing the deployment was passed by Japan's parliament in July, but only under the condition that the troops be sent to a place away from combat.

    The Japanese cabinet approved sending the force on 9 December.

    The Japanese public fears its troops will be drawn into the Iraq conflict

  9. #9
    Danshaku Elizabeth's Avatar
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    A non-combat/humanitarian/reconstruction role actually doesn't seem all that much more dangerous or outside Japan's strategic interests than peacekeeping forces as part of a UN mission they already have in East Timor, Afghanistan (?) and elsewhere?

  10. #10
    You SPAM/We BAN !
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    LOOK SO YOUNG !!!!

    Perhaps if they dressed as Iraqi children they would be safer; then again they'd probably then become American collateral damage !!
    Darn kids, always playing in the wrong place at the wrong time keeping us from shooting the "bad" guys !!!


  11. #11
    Regular Member 名無し's Avatar
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    [URL="http://www.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/dailynews.html"]NHK news[/URL
    Koizumi Announces GSDF Pullout from Iraq

    Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has announced the withdrawal of Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force units from southern Iraqi city of Samawah in Muthanna province.

    The Japanese troops have been on a humanitarian aid mission there since February 2004.

    Prime Minister Koizumi said: "The government has decided to withdraw Ground SDF troops from Samawah. The GSDF has achieved its humanitarian and reconstruction goals there."

    Mr Koizumi said the decision comes in response to the establishment of a new Iraqi government and its announcement that it will take full control of security in the province from Britiain.

    Defense Agency chief Fukushiro Nukaga will order the withdrawal and dispatch a contingent of 100 transport specialists to help with the withdrawal.

    The Japanese troops are to leave for neighboring Kuwait as early as next month before returning to Japan.

    The Japanese government says it will continue to support reconstruction efforts through Japanese Air Self-Defense Force crews stationed in Kuwait, who will help transport aid supplies to Baghdad and northern Iraq.

    The Iraqi government hopes Japan will continue to provide reconstruction aid after its troops leave Samawah.

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said: "I thank the multinational forces for their activities in security and humanitarian aid."

    Prime Minister Maliki said Iraq strongly hopes aid projects will continue after the coalition forces leave.

    Japanese officials have said they will provide another yen loan of about 30 million dollars for the construction of roads and bridges.
    Last edited by 名無し; Jun 20, 2006 at 19:55.

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