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Thread: What funny or offensive things did you dare do in your school days ?

  1. #26
    Angel of Life Kara_Nari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    Wow, could you just leave the school premises without written authorization and not fear being punished or even fired ? It's also strange to me that another teacher should let you attend their class, even art, if you are not on the list of students of that class.
    At this particular school, it was strict, but they didnt have people on the gates during class times, because obviously you are supposed to be in class. During lunchtimes we could leave if we had a 'lunch pass'. I lived too far away, so couldnt really get away with that... but if I left before lunch, and came back in time I was generally ok.
    My art teacher loved me, and because I would spend my art period buying him croissants and other things from the bakery, he didnt really care when I made it up, and my japanese teacher didnt care... they had some kind of understanding Just had to make sure I parked my car in a convenient place to jump the fence and ruuuun!

    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    Did you have horticulture classes at school ?

    Our school was great, we had all sorts of subjects, but horticulture was one of the sciences offered. We went on lots of field trips which was fun, but our teacher really babied us, like we were tomato plants or something and couldnt stand by ourselves. Yes so because we took horticulture we had our own gardens in the school grounds, with REALLY high fences that had barbed wire etc, just incase someone wanted to break in and steal our precious veges.
    We also had Skateboarding, Golf, Surfing, Go Karting, and nearly any sport you can imagine. That was only twice a week though, and you could only choose one at a time. I chose golf because my friend lived on the golf course closest to our school... seems that the teacher realised that though, and always took us to the golf courses furtherest away. It was ok though because once they took our names, we were free to do what we wanted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
    This answers my previous question.
    This was at my first high school, which doubled as intermediate (junior high). It was in the middle of no-where so we were hardly going to wander very far, the shops were about five minutes down the hill... had to hide from my nana a few times haha, that school was the easiest to escape from.

    Kara-Nari Smarty-Pants Wiz-Girl of the Southern Pacific Queen of Communication and International Arbitration and Diplomatic Solutions to Hairy Territorial Issues Her Majesty the Empress コクネ・ you quite rightly deserve the title for your individuality !

  2. #27
    DON'T PANIC! Tsuyoiko's Avatar
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    In my cerebral cortex
    I was a model child, but I saw some stuff. In primary school we had wooden desks with a lid that lifted up and you kept all your stuff inside. People used to set up traps in them so you could see if it had been opened, usually a piece of thread balanced on the edge. My friend Jim went a step further. He balanced a screwdriver on a bent-back ruler, so that if you opened the desk the screwdiver would fly out and brain you. Well that day the headmaster decided to inspect if our desks were tidy. He opened Jim's desk, the screwdriver flew out, missed his head by a hair's breadth and imbedded itself in the ceiling!

    I also used to work as a school librarian. There was this weird kid, I thought he was cool. He used to wear make-up and on no uniform days he would wear a skirt. On his last day he stole a toilet. I don't know how he did it, he just tore the thing out with his bare hands and ran out of the gate with it! Also, on prize giving when he went up to collect his GCSE certificates (he came first in the year I think), he pinched the deputy head's backside right there on stage in front of all the staff, guests and kids!
    "A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life
    merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral." - Leo Tolstoy

    Currently playing: Agarest on PS3
    Currently reading: The Devil Rides Out by Dennis Wheatley

  3. #28
    Banned Inuyasha-the-kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsuyoiko
    On his last day he stole a toilet. I don't know how he did it, he just tore the thing out with his bare hands and ran out of the gate with it!
    I am still laughing! That was a good time for you wasnt it!

  4. #29
    DON'T PANIC! Tsuyoiko's Avatar
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    In my cerebral cortex
    Yep, it was funny, but don't get any ideas kid!

  5. #30
    Regular Member sash's Avatar
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    i dont think i remember anything funny bt i plan on doing something to my art teacher coz i hate her the first time i saw in school not only me bt actually the whole school including our head mistress.i think i will say something really bad to her when she leaves the school as there will be 2 new professional art teachers coming soon and i think she will be fired at least i wish that she will.i am not that mean so i will say something like 'i hate u and i will always hate u' or 'get the hell outta here coz nobody wants u'(i guess that will be a bit mean bt when i really am angry at something i can be its worst nightmare hehehehe)

  6. #31
    FanFiction Addiction RavenRockstar's Avatar
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    In freashman year there was a girl I really hated, Miah. I mostly didnt like her because she would lead on my friend Sammie, who really like her. She would always sit at our table at lunch. One day when they had pudding cups at lunch (i love pudding =D) she said to Sammie (who was kinda a plus sized girl, but she wasnt really fat) "Take a look at your belly Sam, you really dont need that pudding cup"
    She spent the rest of lunch hour in the bathroom, washing the contents of my lunch tray out of her hair ^^ did I mention we had spagetti that day?
    Luckily for me, the security guards loved me and I didnt get in a speck of trouble =]

  7. #32
    The new cool justin's Avatar
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    Well, for my freshmen year of high school my classmates (guys only) had to run down main street in their underwear for homecoming. Most of the guys ran like bats out of hell, but me and my friends sturted our stuff. I was dead sexy in my star wars boxers! :P

    Then there was shop class and the welding mishap. . . It was only my third time welding I was feeling great since everyone told me I was doing good. Well, I turned off the gas, but I didn't shut off the oxygen all the way. I started talking to my friend and slowly the booth was filling with oxygen and then I turned the gas on. I thought I was turning the oxygen back on, but in stead I turned it up full blast. . . One spark from the striker and the booth turning into one gaint fire ball! I was protected by my helmet and coveralls. It was the coolest and scariest things I every did in highschool. My buddies wanted to see it again, but thanks to my gloves being a bit too small I burned some of the hair off my forearms. So, the answer was no.
    When you complain about the farmer try not to talk with your mouth full.

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