Quote Originally Posted by mad pierrot
Heh, but at least it's funny watching people do Tai Bo!

I'm constantly amazed at exercise fads. I do, however, recommend something; the KISS method.

(Keep It Simple, Stupid.)

As much as I don't like team sports, that was the smartest thing a coach ever told me.
I'll never forget when Cindy Crawford made an exercise videotape, claiming that the exercises in the tape were what got her into such great shape following the birth of her child. The reality, of course, is that she attended a grueling boot camp that involved intense running in the mountains and had nothing to do with the exercises on her video. Moreover, her videotaped exercise routine caused injuries because she didn't have the proper medical advice. I think they had to pull the video from the shelves, if memory serves me correctly. I don't know if they were able to correct it or what, but it just goes to show how many people can get duped by celebrities pushing products.

Good advice from your coach, btw.