But the main reason I think the US is ready to fight for its believes as much or even more than for money is its history of fighting communism worldwide since 1948. What did they gain in China/Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, or in spending huge sums of money to keep dictators favourable to US capitalism in South America (Nicaragua, Chile, etc.) ? This was mostly for ideological reasons, and the US probably lost more than it got in return (especially in Vietnam). So what makes you believe they don't want to get rid of Muslim extremist ? Iran and North Korea are both on Bush's blacklist. The former for being too Muslim, the latter for being too communist. Certainly not for resources (North Korea is one of the poorest country on earth).
I have disagree again. You say the US is ready to fight for its believes as much or even more than for money. DO you really believe that? I think the US would LOVE for everyone to believe that. Certainly, that is the image produced by the media. "Remember folks, we're making the world safe for Democracy by fighting Communism." If you were the government, wouldn't you rather your citizens believed they were fighting a moral crusade rather than just to satisfy greed?

Secondly, I highly doubt the U.S. will ever invade North Korea. Just look at the way Powell dismissed the mushroom cloud reported this week. The U.S. has higher priorites than North Korea. *coughs* Iran?