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Thread: Do chinese and taiwanese get along often??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 7, 2004

    Question Do chinese and taiwanese get along often??

    I have been to a few forums but it appears that whenever the problem with Taiwan gets brought up, the flames come up automatically. It always end up with both sides making racial slurs against each other during the climax.

    I must admit that I am not a good at politics but why is it that the levels of hate between the two is so great?? Do they fight alot on this board too?

    Is the seriousness of the whole situation between Taiwan and China exaggerated? Or is their really an inevitable war just waiting to erupt?? Can they get along?? what do you think??

  2. #2
    もうすぐ卒業するんだ! ragedaddy's Avatar
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    Hey mecharmor23,

    The hate that you may be witnessing is coming strictly from their political views. China is still wanting to have the power to control Taiwan. Taiwan is leaning towards to becoming democratic, and that infuriates many people from the homeland. As you have seen in many posts regarding American politics, it has been a pretty brutal battle, the Democratics vs. Republicans. This is a very sensitive subject to debate, and many people take these issues personal. This is the reason why it may seem the Chinese and Taiwanese have problems getting along.
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  3. #3
    As the Rush Comes Duo's Avatar
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    China should stop claiming Taiwan, as long as they will not give up this idea, there will always be tensions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    But what makes taiwanese so racist?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The irony in that comment is astounding.

  6. #6
    Regular Member Sally_Hawn's Avatar
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    Having more than three hundred friends from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China and Tibet, I think I can answer part of the question.

    There are many Taiwanese ( the ones who originally came from Shanghai, and went to Taiwan with KMT) actually get along with mainland Chinese exceptionally well, better than Hong Kong Chinese. At least they can communicate in Mandarin.

    The Taiwanese who post on Japan Today are mainly Fujian 福建 Taiwanese. They don't hate ALL mainland Chinese.... How to put this... I think it is more accurate to say many of them love (not an exergeration) Fujinanese from mainland China more than 外省人 (e.g. Szechuan and Shanghai people who were born in Taiwan). Most of them don't want much to deal with mainland Chinese from other provinces. Hong Kong is an exception though.

    On the other hand, there are more and more Taiwanese moving back to China to live and do business.

  7. #7
    I'm not fat...just fluffy mizerable_d's Avatar
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    i think it's just the governments that are fighting. im chinese and i have friends from Taiwan, we seem to get along.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sally_Hawn
    Having more than three hundred friends from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China and Tibet, I think I can answer part of the question.

    There are many Taiwanese ( the ones who originally came from Shanghai, and went to Taiwan with KMT) actually get along with mainland Chinese exceptionally well, better than Hong Kong Chinese. At least they can communicate in Mandarin.

    The Taiwanese who post on Japan Today are mainly Fujian 福建 Taiwanese. They don't hate ALL mainland Chinese.... How to put this... I think it is more accurate to say many of them love (not an exergeration) Fujinanese from mainland China more than 外省人 (e.g. Szechuan and Shanghai people who were born in Taiwan). Most of them don't want much to deal with mainland Chinese from other provinces. Hong Kong is an exception though.

    On the other hand, there are more and more Taiwanese moving back to China to live and do business.

    Where can I get some reliable and unbiased sources?? Is china really as hated worldwide as the taiwanese at japan today forums view it as??

  9. #9
    Regular Member Sally_Hawn's Avatar
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    Hmm.... I think maybe it is better for you to experience it yourself. Just join a a ski trip organized by the Chinese Students Association (heh, I never joined though) at any most U.S./Canadian university.

    As long as you don't talk about stuffs like how Taiwan should surrender itself to Mainland China, and you have the money to spend on Karaoke and brand clothes, it is very easy to make Taiwanese friends. After all, they speak Chinese and eat Chinese food (even those preferred to be called Taiwanese.)

    Despite all the bad things they had said about Mainland China, there were many (I mean more than half of the Taiwanese people I know) who would call up any Chinese to play MJ with them. When some Mainland Chinese told them they didn't have money to play, my Taiwanese friends who always put down Mainland China (who are not in the gambling industry, just playing for leisure) will offer to loan them money so that they can play.

    Hmmm.... I think many Taiwanese are just dissing China because it is a habit since 1949 ... many don't really hate Mainland Chinese (Gambling and singing Karaoke almost always come first). Among more than 50 of the Taiwanese people I hang out with, only one says she would never make friend with Mainland Chinese. She also says she would rather Taiwan to be occupied by Japan than China because when the KMT first landed on Taiwan, they killed a lot of Fujianese intellects just to scare the Fujianese habitants. The KMT also forbade them to speak Fujianese so that Mandarin could become the dominant language of Taiwan.

  10. #10
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    Being chinese is so depressing, constantly being hated left and right. chinese are by far over a trillion times more hated than the jews. more people hate the chinese when compared to any ethnic group that have ever existed since the dawn of the cave man.
    most people think that china's history begins and ends with Mao and Tibet. thus giving them a biased and racist opinion of the chinese. whatever happened to the rest of china's history, culture and heritage is something that few non-chinese in the world care about.

    At times like this, I wish I was born a Yank. They are constantly being put on the pedastal and less hated. It sucks to be born from a country where people only know and the bad things the government did and doesn't care and doesn't want to understand about anything more. I heard it is an increasing problem.

    Few people seem to know the true colors of American politics and how the foreign policy works.

  11. #11
    As the Rush Comes Duo's Avatar
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    dude what are you rambling about ?
    who the hell hates chinese people ? WHere do you live ? USA? IF SO this is a first I hear that in the US they hate CHINESE ppl. Where did you get this complex from, did people in the street egg you and call you go away yellow kid ? Stop exagerating. Either your are just f***ing around with us, playing sm trick or you have problems. I never heard of Chinese being hated before. Sure you are made fun of, as are every other ethnic group in every part of the world, but to say that you are more hated than Jews is just simply ridicolous. Maybe ppl in Asia hate China cuz of its government's policy, but i don't think it is likely that there are people out there that are conspiring and hating the chinese race.

  12. #12
    I jump to conclusions mad pierrot's Avatar
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    Being chinese is so depressing, constantly being hated left and right. chinese are by far over a trillion times more hated than the jews. more people hate the chinese when compared to any ethnic group that have ever existed since the dawn of the cave man.
    most people think that china's history begins and ends with Mao and Tibet. thus giving them a biased and racist opinion of the chinese. whatever happened to the rest of china's history, culture and heritage is something that few non-chinese in the world care about.
    At times like this, I wish I was born a Yank. They are constantly being put on the pedastal and less hated. It sucks to be born from a country where people only know and the bad things the government did and doesn't care and doesn't want to understand about anything more. I heard it is an increasing problem.
    Few people seem to know the true colors of American politics and how the foreign policy works.
    First off, I've never heard of Chinese people being hated so much. Get off the internet and go meet some people and I'm sure you'll find otherwise. Comparing Chinese people with Jewish people is ridiculous in respect to discrimination. Next, I see you're still using the word Yank rudely. Don't. As far as "They are constantly being put on the pedastal and less hated." is concerned, I couldn't disagree more. Visit anywhere in the Middle East and ask people if they hate Americans less. Better yet, visit Europe. Best of all, go to AMERICA and ask how many people are happy with their nation. Finally, I know more people who speak favorably of China than negatively. In fact, in all my life and travels, I have met only ONE person who had any ill-feelings towards China, and he was Taiwanese.

    If you want to keep posting, make some effort to express your ideas as your opinions, NOT FACTS. For example, "I feel Chinese are treated worse that Jewish people have been historically..."

    Getting back to the subject of your first post, YES, I do agree that Taiwanese and Chinese people have a hard time debating the relevent issues. As I said, I have a good Taiwanese friend who is normally very rational except when it comes to politics with China.

  13. #13
    Anjin Brooker's Avatar
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    Why do you think everyone hates you and your country when they don't? It's very ironic when you keep writing about how much YOU HATE EVERYONE. If you're searching for the source of hate and racism take a good look at yourself.
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  14. #14
    "Nani ga okashin desu?!" CBC Guy's Avatar
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    I have a Taiwanese friend in Canada who has very pro-independence family members, but we never talk about politics, only safe topics like food, sports and video games. ;p

    @mecharmor23, stop exaggerating or your paranoia will become true. I live in Canada, Chiense people are NOT hated because they're chinese. Most people can seperate the gov't from the people. Very few if any Americans/Canadians hate Chinese. (I've seen racists before but then they hate EVERYONE, not JUST Chinese. )
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  15. #15
    Regular Member 82riceballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mecharmor23 View Post
    But what makes taiwanese so racist?
    this one made me laugh!!!
    also, abt ur 'everybody hates chinese' theory- get real! the ancient chinese invented gunpowder, papermaking, and a lot of other stuff!!! even back then they were kinda respected. maybe some governments have the chinese government, but one a person-to-person basis, there are good and bad people from every race. if ur hated, go figure out why- don't just complain abt your entire race being hated, cuz it isn't!!!

  16. #16
    Resident Realist nice gaijin's Avatar
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    rise of the zooooombies!

  17. #17
    Infernally Yours InfernalKalamity's Avatar
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    its mostly just politics like someone said up there somewhere. like China is saying that taiwan is part of like china because most ppl from taiwan has originated from china or something like that. but taiwan says that they are are not part of china because they have their own government and their own president so how could they be part of china. and stuff like that debates for a pretty long time i guess. im taiwanese and most of my friends are chinese...and we get along ok. it doesnt really affect us common ppl but like politicians..its a pretty touchy subject
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  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Can't see this developing into anything more fruitful than it already had (that is to say, not at all). Thread closed.

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