About the lack of diversity on food.... dont bother coming to Korea then!
I was actually happy that I could eat some of my favourite things in Japan, I could buy certain products which are nearly impossible to find in Korea. Sour cream was one thing, which it took me 4 months to find ONE place in my city (second largest in Korea) that sells it. Doesnt matter anymore because im lactose intolerant, but sometimes I just get a craving for it.

I thought the vending machines here were cool, but NO Japans are the best ever!!!! The fact that you can use your cellphone to pay for things in the vending machine!!! They're everywhere too!!!! I would spend about 40minutes checking out the vending machines just around the block where I was staying, trying to decide what I wanted to drink!

100 yen shop is VERY cool, sadly they closed down the HUGE one in Tenjin, maybe 3 weeks ago, or less, so had to go to another one just down the road, which was still cool, but not as big.