Quote Originally Posted by nice gaijin
When you use a credit card, money is an abstract concept. You don't need to carry things of value to make purchases, how novel and yet so very dangerous! Even though the gold standard has been done away with, we still attribute a certain value to our legal tender, and it hurts to give it away, especially when we're exchanging it for crap we know we don't really need. With a credit card, you don't have to watch your money pass from your hands to someone else's, it's easier to just sign your money away.
I also don't think like that. With cash, money can be stolen, lost or destroyed. One can also get short-changed. With a credit card, all you have to do is read that the amount is correct and sign. If it's lost or stolen, just call the card company within 24h and any money that may have been usedby a thief will be reimbursed by the insurance that cover all major credit cards. There is no such security with cash. Debit cards are even safer as there is a pin code required for every transaction. In fact, credit cards in most European countries have now introduced a pin code instead of signature since this year (not in Japan though).