Quote Originally Posted by shiningblue
As well, I haven't heard much about violent activity from the Chinese muslims at all, anyways. As long as they adhere to the rules, there wont be any crack down. (Think Falun Gong before they became activists) China has more important things on their hands than a small group of Muslims that arn't that active in the country.
Actually, there has been some "terrorist" activity from the Muslim community, if I remember correctly. But that was not religiously motivated, it came from the independence movement. Just like the Chechens, the Chinese Muslims were not very fundamentalist. But due to continued oppression, fundamentalism seems to be growing (not unlike in Chechnya, where the situation of course is much worse).

The FG thing is a nice example of the difference between a perceived threat versus a real threat. Here in the West they would have been looked upon as some other kind of New Age movement, at worst they would have been ridiculed.

The most important thing for the CPC is obviously control. Lack of control seems to be their worst nightmare, hence their crackdown on any "organization" that denies or defies this control.