Quote Originally Posted by digicross
9/11 had many the same signatures as Pearl Harbour (both are non life threatning slaps intended to make people mad and angry), chances are... the people responsible for both events seems to be the same people.
Yes, both were non-life threatenening. I'll ignore it since I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are not utterly so stupid.

One huge difference. The raid on Pearl Harbor was a military maneuver and did not target innocent civilians, whereas Al Quaida's sole purpose in attacking WTC was to kill innocent civilians. If the Japanese military wanted to kill innocent civilians they could've attacked downtown Honolulu.

It is so moronic to equate 9/11 to Pearl harbor. I have a friend who has a kindergarten-age half white-half Japanese daughter. One day she went to kindergarten and some dumb kid started shouting it was the Japanese who blew up the WTC and pointed at her.