Thank you for helping with my English, Elizabeth.

A new machine was installed and some of the workmen were made redundant.
新しい機械が入ってきて(取り付けられて)一部の労働 者は不要になった。
(from in my dictionary. "from in" my dictionary )

"Most favorite" is still something used in lighthearted conversation or as a joke in idle banter between friends, especially children, but it is obviously redundant.

「most favorite(一番一番好き)」はそれにもかかわらず、陽気 な会話、また特に子供たちの友達の間で「暇な冗談を言 う者の冗談」として使われるが、それは明白に(間違いなく)不要 で� る。

be something? How can it translate?

lighthearted(らいとぅはーでぃっとぅ) = 陽気な、気軽な
conversation = 会話
joke = 冗談
idle = 暇な
banter = 冗談(を言う)(冗談を言う者?)
obvious = 明白な、すぐ分かる。