Just a small correction:
“ú–{‹´Žº’¬ is Nihonbashi Muromachi
All other “ú–{‹´~~’¬ is Nihonbashi XXcho, but somehow Žº’¬ is pronounced Muromachi.

Photo of the stone to mark where the Anjin's house was.

Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
After his death, his son, Miura Anjin, kept his title of samurai. Up to this day, the Miura Anjin Festival is held all day on August 10 in Itō, Shizuoka.
I think Muira Anjin is the Japanese name of William Adams himself.
According to Wikipedia he was married to a Japanese called ⬇ and it is said he had a son (Joseph) and a daughter (Susanna).
I don't know whether Joseph also had a Japanese name (though it's very likely he had) and what was the name if he had one...

edit: I found out that his son succeeded the name ŽO‰YˆÂj after his death.