Quote Originally Posted by lastmagi
Banzai (produced in the UK, but some of its episodes were purchased by networks such as Comedy Central and Fox)

Dean Koontz

Death of Vincent Chin

Also, from what I've heard, a lot of J-Pop/Rock fans have complained about their peers mocking Japanese musicians as being gay.
Those are interesting links. But please let me point out that I have never said racism is not a problem in the States. In fact, I believe I have said in a previous thread that racism is still an ongoing problem. The main difference is the people's reaction to it. Take a look at your link about Dean Koontz. The person writing that blog calls Dean Koontz a "racist f***tard." Looking at the comments, everyone agrees that being a racist makes you "a wanker of the highest order." Now imagine a blogger saying Dean Koontz is a hero because he "gave it to those dirty Japs. They had it coming." And then everyone gives out comments and examples of how the Japanese will always be inferior. I believe that's the situation in Japan.

Quote Originally Posted by lastmagi
However, I think what you seem to be getting at is America as a whole allows for more discussions and awareness about racism because concepts of racism is there in their moral consciousness, which I agree with. I'm wondering: has there been any equivalent of a civil rights movement in Japan?
Yes, I agree that there is more discussions and awareness because Americans do recognize it as a problem. Japan, on the other hand, likes to sweep things under the rug thinking that it'll go away if you ignore it long enough. I think that it'll just make the issue fester until it explodes.

Quote Originally Posted by lastmagi
Another point I want to make: just because I had examples of anti-Japanese discrimination doesn't downplay the significance of racism in any other part of the world, Japan included. Each nation, culture, subculture, etc. needs to be carefully considered.
This kkkktttt person doesn't think so. He probably thinks that Japan should be exempt from such racial equalities because Japan has been discriminated against in the past.