I guess it depends on the context. I just came back from a science class, so I may have been unconsciously imagining them in a lab/research context and where I find these creatures (minus the cockroach) pretty admirable for the ways they live and work, but I probably wouldn't want to be cuddling with a scorpion that I found in my boots while out in the desert.

Spiders- I've had to take some out of my room before to let them free, so I'm not afraid of touching them, exactly. As long as they don't crawl around and into my pants or something, I guess. Still, they're not my favorite (no offense, aranomorphic members out there!)

Snakes- I love snakes. The way they feel as they try to slither out of your hand. The way they relax after a while as you hold them. They're very beautiful and elegant creatures, even if some have the annoying tendency to musk when you scare them.

Scorpions- I haven't ever seen a scorpion before. I wouldn't mind taking one in my hand if it wasn't poisonous (and, also, if they didn't try to sting me, but they probably would anyway). Maybe all that Mortal Kombat has desensitized me "Get over here!"

Cockroaches- I admit I'm a little uneasy with them, but it's mostly more a hygienic matter than anything else.