The seasons mean a lot to me. As Maciamo says, they are very apparent in Northern Europe. I like to look for signs of the seasons, like sometimes if I am watching TV I will try to work out what time of year it was filmed - if there are cherry blossoms it's April, or leaves on the ground it's October.

For me, Christmas is about the winter solstice. The fairy lights and candles are our way of bringing light into a dark world. Getting drunk is part of it to, because we need some fun to take our minds off the depressing weather. We exchange presents because we need each other at that time of year, and it's nice to show our appreciation.

I also love spring. It is wonderful to see the first shoots breaking through the ground, and the buds coming on the trees. In April it cheers me up to see the tulips in the garden as I leave for another boring day at work, and to drive past the cherry trees with their gorgeous blossom - it is hard to think of anything more beautiful than a cherry tree in full bloom.

The seasons help me to be in tune with Nature, as I can see that she is alive. Also, when things look bad in winter, you know that they are going to get better when spring comes around. There is a lesson there for life as well. My true name poem that I wrote is based on the seasons. Anyone want to hear it?