I don't understand why a non-Japanese who is fully caucasian would want to become Japanese in the first place. The very thought of this is very weird in my mind. It upsets me very much to see Japanese-Americans officers and soldiers who wear US Solder's uniform occupying and controlling the country of their own ancestors. This is really a shame. I can see Caucaian GI coming over but someone of our own blood, it is very shameful. I feel this is very disrespectful to ancestors. I think it should be made treason to do such a thing. When I see Japanese-American US Marine with a Class A uniform, wearing Globe, and Anchor, it was very disheartening for me.

I am tolerant of Kokokushijos becoming treated as Japanese and Issei born. I am also willing to see Nissei born who are pure Japanese blood or mixed Japanese, if with other asian. But the question of treating full 100% Englishmen a Japanese is out of the question!! Even worse is Englishmen who is not even married to a Japanese woman, but their own Caucasian woman and still wants Japanese citizenship. Very crazy. YOU PEOPLE ARE ONLY GUESTS, VERY RUDE FOR GUEST TO FORCE THEIR STAY AS FAMILY MEMBERS. I also feel it is not necessary for Caucasians to endure learning Kanji when learning Japanese, while expectations for Koreans and Chinese to master it, I have.
When I see white guy in Japan, I expect only hiragana, and I am happy to practice my poor English. But with Kikokushijos, (sorry, I don't know English word for this) while I treat as Japanese, I am harder on them as I feel they have an obligation to learn all the customs and mannerisms of Japanese culture, learn 2000 Kanji, and integrate into society. This can be painful to Kikokushijos. On the other hand, a foreigner, especially a hakujin, I will treat as foreigner, but I will also be more forgiving in applying honne and tatemae. I expect them to learn none of our social customs, and if they only learn hiragana after 8 years, this is okay by me. I will continue to talk in English for you white people.
So while Kikokushijos are eventually accepted as normal Japanese, they have to endure hardship of integration. I give a double standard of expectations. They can reclaim normal status, but they must pay the heaviest of price compared to Gaijin, who have to endure nothing in learning our ways. So for Caucaisan ladies, no point marrying Japanese men okay, unless he wants to become just US or something. For Kikokushijos, it is like going through a metaphorically speaking a social footbinding. They must learn it is haji, or shame in being different, and they must learn Japanese 10 times faster than foreigner, even if they left Japan at 5 years old.
So I think jealous feelings for gaijin is not warranted here. Stay American or English, and remain just tourist.