ShawdowSpirit> I have lived in Japan about 4 and half years. And reading your posts I feel like you maybe are allowing what you have read about Japan to narrow your understanding and openness towards what you actually may experience. I guess what I am saying is you should not take what you have read as gospel. I think you will find many of the things you have read to not nearly be as all encompassing and black and white as I sense you feel they are. That is not to say they are untrue per se, but do not let what you have read push a lot bias upon what you actually experience.

I also get the sense that you may be planning things a little to well. And there is so much that is really not in your control, so I say have your eraser ready to change things when necessary, because they way you are envisioning things now will most likely not entirely reflect reality.

Oh and lastly, most of the Japanese women who will be available to, and most interested in you, I doubt will need much help from you in "liberating" them.