Maciamo, I just love your polls.

Anyway, this is a tough one. Really, I think it depends on the situation and the people involved. Speaking for myself, though, I would have to say I draw the line at all of those except for maybe the "he/she had sex with someone else, but continued to love you at the same time" and possibly the "he/she loved someone else of the same sex (homosexual love) in addition to you [or opposite sex for those already in homosexual relationship]". I have personal reasons for both of those, but don't feel like getting into that now.

I think in general, though, it depends on what your boundaries are as a couple. As a couple, you should have set boundaries(some are more open than others, of course), and if those boundaries are crossed, there should be consequences. If there aren't consequences, people's self-respect and self-esteem get damaged, and that's not good.

I've been on the receiving end and the giving end of all of these situations. In fact, I think I might have done more of these things than had them done to me, which is kind of hard to admit.