Thank you for helping me, Elizabeth.

If you have a chance or time, please continue are probably closer to natural speech patterns.

If you have a chance or time, please continueは恐らく、より自然な話し方に近づくでしょう 。

Since it isn't necessary to emphasize English or repeat "teach."

英語を強調すること、または"teach"を繰り返すことは� K要でないので。

「since = 〜ので、だから(文頭に置かれる場合、直接の原因を表 し、becauseより意味が弱く、asより強い)」
・Since you feel tired, you should rest.
� なたは疲れているのだから、休養をとるべきだ。
・Since the car isn't working, we'll have to take the train.
・It must have rained, since the ground is wet.
地面が湿っているところを見ると、雨が降ったに違いな い。

「emphasize(えんふぁさいず) = 強調[力説]する; (言葉に)力を入れる; (形・色などを)目立たせる.」
「necessary(ねせさーり)= 必要な」
「pattern = 模範, 手本; 型, 基本型, 様式; 模型; 模様, 柄; (服などの)見本, 例; 機構; 情勢, 傾向.」

In this case, it appears Mac is an administrator trying to convince Maciamo to stay on at his present job -- Please continue teaching English here no matter what.

この場合、MacがMaciamoに彼の現在の役目を留まるよう に納得させているようなAddministratorに見える。
"no matter what" is difficult to translate to me. Hmm.

「It appears (that ... .) = どうも....らしい。(...のように見える)」
「convince = 確信[納得]させる」
「present = 現在の」

Hmmm. It appears I have said a terrible thing to Maciamo.
My friends have said "teach me is unnatural" as well before.
But "If you have a chance or time, please continue" is enough to say?
I think I don't know what I wish to him/her.
How about "If you have enough time, please continue helping"? (^^;;;;