Quote Originally Posted by Mandylion
The bulletin could have read "be aware of suspicious activity" but the whole mood changes when you throw in "foreigner." This type of things is one of my least favorite things about Japan...
I agree that this is disagreeable and narrow-minded from the Japanese authorities. Especially that yakuza are surely involved in more illegal activities than all foreigners in Japan combined. But they never care looking in their backyard first. I have never seen any signs like "beware of yakuza", even in hot districts like Shinjuku Kabukicho, Ikebukuro or Asakusa.

Personally, I go to work (usually in suit) by bicycle everyday, and in February this year I've been stopped 4 times (twice in 2 days !) by the police to check my alien registration card and/or bicycle number (they call their colleagues on the walkie-talkie, who verify that the bicycle number match my name). I can't say I the look the least involved in suspicious activities (frankly, I look straighter than even the average salaryman), and what's more, I find it both harassing and petty from them. A new bicycle cost less than 10.000 yen in Tokyo - 1000 yen if second-hand. Mine is 2 years-old, so it's resale value is rather low. I always want to tell those cops that they needn't bother as even my necktie or my watch are more expensive than the bike - so why bothering verifying so worthless property ? Third-world mentality, really. ったく、くそ面倒くせ奴だな!