Well, it's obvious there's has to be some sort of lifestyle changes. So, I guess I was right, chinese food being non-fatty is a myth. The obesity problem in America has do with us needing discipline. But, I mean really? I wouldn't say that Americans hate exercising, I would argue the point that we don't have much time for it. However, Americans really need to stop giving into those advertisments for increase in quantities of food. That's why I get angry when I see people trying to sue the fastfood industry for the reasons why they're overwieght. For of all, it's NOT the fastfood industry's fault you're obese, it's your fault for not choosing to eat properly. Besides, there's no excuse as to why Americans can't healthier.

I don't know the situation with China or Japan. I just hope it doesn't get out of hand like it has here in the States.