From a Canadian point of view, it seems that Japan isn't very concerned about the well being of it's people. Of course this is a broad assumtion of mine. I'm sure there are hospitals that do care, but this tainted blood problem is just pure carelessness on the doctors and nurses part. I never expected a country so advanced in our time to have problems with blood transfusions and the overall care of patients.
Is that why so many Japanese come to study medicine here in Canada? Our university has seen an increase in exchange students from Asia (China, Japan, Philipines etc.) to study medicine.
I know that there are hospitals in Japan that most likely do an excellent job but, it's the ones that only care about wages and politics that are brought to attention. it's kind of dissapointing for me, because I depend on the hospital more than a regular healthy person and if the care in Japan is reckless then I can't go and visit in the future.