New Headline today : Yomiuri : Survey finds hospitals 'neglectful'

Only 12 percent of hospitals conduct posttransfusion blood tests on all recipients as required by a government guideline, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry said Saturday in its first nationwide survey on the issue.

Under the government guideline, hospitals should test all such patients for side effects or infections.

Even though many more cases of infection through blood transfusions, including the transmission of viral hepatitis, have surfaced recently, the survey indicates a large number of infections may have gone undetected.
In such cases, it is highly likely that the infection will not be reported to the Japanese Red Cross Society or the central government, the officials added.
At first, I thought it was pretransfusion, whch would be utterly unacceptable (basically as bad as using the same needle for all patients), but as it is posttranfusion, that only make it "careless".