Originally posted by Luxpyre
Here in the US, gas is so cheap because the government keeps it cheap. When I first went to a different country, I was shocked to see gasoline for three, four $ a gallon.
So which one do you think is better ? In Europe petrol (gasoline, for Americans) is expensive because justly the governments want to keep it this way, like the alcohol and cigarettes, to avoid abuses. What am I talking about ? The environment of course. The US withdrew from the Kyoto treaty that aims at reducing CO2 emissions. The question is why don't Americans people care about the environment and I am forced to hear it's a good thing that petrol is cheap (let's drive and drive then !). American cars are famous for having a high petrol consumption per km. European car producers try hard to reduce consumption and manage to keep it as low as 5l/100km, while American cars use 3 or 4 times this.