BlogD wrote....
Personally, I lost respect for NOVA back in the whole drug-testing dispute. One teacher who worked for a Kyoto branch was caught with marijuana and arrested in 1994. NOVA thereafter required their teachers to undergo drug testing.
My understanding was that Nova tried to institute drug testing, but was never allowed to for some legal reasons. Throughout my time at Nova, I never heard any mention of drug testing.

That policy prompted the formation of a union which still exists to this day
Wow, I had no idea Nova had a union. That's weird. I never joined or paid any dues (to my knowledge) because I didn't know it existed. None of my bosses or coworkers ever mentioned anything about a union. I wonder if it's either something they try to keep quiet or if it's just that the union is very ineffectual.

Another point about NOVA is the whole McSchools issue.
I do think this is one of the main drawbacks of Nova.

Contrast that to those who integrate, take on a Japanese hobby, learn the language, make friends--they tend to be highly positive and enjoy life in Japan.
Well said. It's all about your motivations and attitude. I felt that only a small percentage of complaints about Japan were legitimate and the rest came from people in the "instrumental" group.