Quote Originally Posted by jeisan
the strangest bathtub/shower setup i've seen was in australia though. I don't think it was common, maybe someone can let me know. heres a picture because i dont know if i could describe it well enough, like your standing there facing the wall its on. also the shower curtain ran on a curved bar in the corner so its only covered half of the bathtub, the shower part.
This set-up sounds familiar. I had to work in London for a few months awhile back, and the apartment that was rented for me came with this set-up. Luckily, the water pressure wasn't too great - and did I miss that! - so water didn't get everywhere in the bathroom.

As for the conditions of the houses, no personal experience as to home ownership. A colleague of mine mentioned that he wants to buy a place of his own for his family, but he doesn't want to spend the money and end up with a run-down place that's falling apart after some odd years later. Renting isn't much better, IMHO, but at least you don't have to get rid of the place yourself.