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Thread: What's the origin of the Japanese people ?

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  1. #1
    Swedish town of trolls Trollhattan's Avatar
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    May 17, 2009
    Frankly,Coreans' deep-seated inferiority complexes are getting tiresome and embarrassing .

    It's like " we Coreans don't have blah blah blah of our own,so let's hijack one "

  2. #2
    Regular Member
    Join Date
    Dec 12, 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Trollhattan View Post
    lol @ corean trolls' desperate attempt
    Thats it? After everything ive said, this is the best you could do?

    Very very sad Japanese troll

    Quote Originally Posted by caster51 View Post
    I tell again I never show and use the Japanese ancient document.
    those things are written in the chinese and korean documents
    if there are some bloblem, it is that the korean could not read the Chinese character.
    bring korean document in chinese characters as an opposite evidence
    隋書 倭国(wa)伝
    新羅 百濟皆以俀爲大國 多珎物 並敬仰之 恒通使往來
    it would be enogh
    The Chinese document(book of Sui) you are referring to is very well known. Unfortunately you mistranslated the passage intentionally. You took your own biased and ridiculous translation and twisted it into another one of your lies.
    The correct translation for the passage is-

    ""Silla and Baekje both take Wa to be a big country of treasure source, with many rare and precious things in Japan; also [Silla and Baekje] highly esteemed it [many rare and precious things], and regularly send their person there"".

    This is the correct translation. The book of sui mentions that Shilla and Baekje considered Wa to be a treasure source of material wealth and regularly sent colonists to take those resources. Not some ridiculous translation about how Shilla and Baekje viewed Japan as a great country and sent envoys to Japan in submission.

    Remember, Japan at the time period had

    1. No iron weapons.
    2. No sophisticated armor.
    3. No horses
    4. No cavalry
    5. No chariots
    6. Smaller population
    7. No organized government structure
    8. primitive tech level

    Your translation is ridiculous because not only is it mistranslated in your favor, but it does not fit the historical time period we are talking about. I cant believe you still think Japan conquered Korea. Wheres the evidence?

    Typical Japanese historical fabrication

    脱解本多婆那國所生也 其國在倭國東北一千里
    1000li to north east from wa was 多婆那國
    if there was wa in kyusyu, there is 多婆那國 around Tottori or kansai
    Kaya was also a part of WA
    Kaya was never a part of Japan. It was a Korean kingdom and most Japanese historians agree it was never Japanese. Not only is there no historical source or text that mentions Kaya being Japanese, but there is also no circumstantial or archaelogical evidence to prove Japan conquering Kaya or any Korean kingdom. Kaya had iron weapons, organized government, horses, cavalry etc. Stuff Wa Japan did not have. You live in a fantasy world if you believe primitive Japanese people in tiny rift raft boats could cross the sea and defeat Kaya's well equipped and armored cavalry army with wooden sticks, stones and low quality farming implements. Especially when Japan had no organized government and very little in organized military. If you believe otherwise, then show me a record that proves Kaya was Japanese. Also name the battle in which Japan supposedly beat Kaya. Otherwise, shut up with your lies.

    Typical Japanese historical fabrication

    anyway ,1000li in book of sill at that time was around 75~80km
    there are some discriptions about distance
    for example, from tushima and iki island was 1000li
    Daifang Commandery to Yamatai(japan) 12,000li
    in 59, 三年春三月、王登吐含山、有玄雲如蓋、浮王頭上、良久而散。夏五月、與倭國結好交聘
    1000 Li does not equal 75-80 km. 1 Li during the time when the Samguk Sagi was written was about 500 m or .5 km. 1000 Li= 500 km. Not 75-80km. Not even close.
    500 km is a long distance away from Wa Japan. That means Talhae wasnt Japanese. You claim that he was Japanese even though the book states he wasnt and that he was born far away from Wa. In fact, the Samguk sagi mentions that Talhae was born on Tapana, not Wa Japan. Again and again, you get historical facts wrong. Do you ever give up?

    But thats besides the point. Do you even know how Talhae was born? Talhae wasn't a real person. Who cares if he lived 1 Li from wa or 500,000 Li from wa. He was a mythological character. Talhae was born as an egg. His father considered this bad luck so he threw the egg into the ocean. The egg drifted into the ocean for quite some time before being discovered by fishermen. The fishermen raised him as a human being.

    Sounds realistic huh(sarcasm)? Not surprising since you believe everything written in the Nihonshoki to be real. Please say hi to any magical flying time travelling supermen if you see one.

    Typical Japanese historical fabrication

    Quote Originally Posted by Trollhattan View Post
    Frankly,Coreans' deep-seated inferiority complexes are getting tiresome and embarrassing
    It's like " we Coreans don't have blah blah blah of our own,so let's hijack one "
    Jealous of what? What is there to be jealous of? Sorry but nobody in the world is envious of Japan. Japan is a dying nation. There is nothing to be jealous of. Koreans are not jealous of Japan being the only country to get nuked ok?

    If you have nothing intelligent left to say, then I suggest you shut up and leave. You're only making the Japanese side look childish and unable to debate properly.

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