One thing that is nice about the states is that we supply condoms in high schools and have required Sex Ed classes. Our STD rate is dropping because of this. Almost every bar and night club sells condoms in the bathrooms and everyone in the US can list at least 5 STDs.

About getting paid for sex, most people look at sex as something that is sacred and should only be shared with the one you "love". That is the Christian belief coming out of us. Look at the animals, Sex is an activity for procreation only. There are few animals that have sex for reasons other than to procreate. People attach too much emotion to sex. Some people I know have the thought that sex is just an activity, like football or going to the movies. For this reason, they have sex with their friends. Something they can share to bring them closer together and have some fun, RESPOSIBLY. They are not hurting or cheating on anyone. Just out to have a good time.

Getting paid for sex can fall under the same idea. It can be demoralizing, if the person lets it. It can also be extremely fun and profitable if your careful.

*just playing devils advocate.