Hi, this is my first post.

My interest in Japanese first sparked with my facination with certain anime and Japanese TV shows. I watched a LOT of it and as I did I began to pick up some of the commonly used phrases of the language (e.g. "nandemo nai", "demo...", "kore wa nan desu ka", "daijoubu", arigatou gozaimasu", etc), a few nouns and verbs and gist of the basic SOV sentence structure. Then, I found a friend had gotten Pimsleur's Japanese I and him and some friends were showing off the few sentences they had learned. I tried that for a while but didn't get very far because I'm a very visual person. I'm better off reading a Japanese grammar book.

But anyway, I've been on and off for about 5 months going at it on my own, unmotivated at times. Hopefully this forum will help that.