I'm very interested in tradional Japanese culture, but I'm much more interested in writing about modern Japanese culture... For example, the psychology of the modern Japanese male, the labour crisis and how it effects women, if Japan exports any true meaningful popular culture, the rise of otaku-fan-service & akiba popularity, lolicon as a government protected cash-cow, how Japan exports paraphilias... etcetera...

I'm in the process of aranging my schooling now to go back and get my bachelors in Asian studies, so I'll probably be writing a lot more now... Believe it or not, writing about Japan has a bittersweet taste for me, as I miss it, I miss my girlfriend and I'm sad that I'm not with her--- that's just me.

I don't see anyone brining up these issues--- I mean when we talk about what is 'cool or popular' in Japan right now, what does that really mean--- I don't think anyone really talks about this much, though it gets a lot more attention on blog's like Marxy's Neomarxisme blog, Jean Snow's blog, & Momus's Click Opera blogs (among others)--- where Japan is headed as a consumer... What produces various mindsets, what's going on with slowlife culture, peace-culture, surf-culture... I think there is a lot left to talk about, so long as Japan stays the vibrant ever-changing country that is has been up to now.

just my 2 円