Atheism have no idea about Boanerges and paganism.
Are you denying that atheism is a religon of it's own basis? Common argument is that atheism isn't a religon because it dosn't have a God. Yet, at the same time, we forget that it dosn't require a God to be a religon.

Paganism have taken human rights from others.
Not all paganism.

Boanerges are notorious for diffusing something blithering.
Oh right, and exactly who is to decide what is blithering and what is not?

and more, atheism is the ancestor of theism.
So you're saying the lack of the beleif in a religon came first? Not proven, simply because you havn't proved that any religon is incorrect. That would only be true, IF atheism is correct.

Chinese official propoganda? lol....
Do you know in the past 3000 years China had no preponderant religion but did have well morals? Chinese living in Han,Tang or Qing dynasty must also think so because we are Chinese.
Communists are atheists but not all atheists are communists!
If you make people warm up to atheism, they'll warm up to comunism easier, simply because communist states have this unusual love for atheism. More and more of america becomes atheist every day. More and more laws are being ignored, including problems with the laws not being carried out. No, i am not saying atheism causes lack of morality, but since atheism has no government (such as a higher ranking being that can "know and see all") of it's own (in other words, atheism can vary amoung person to person) the care for such morals is sometimes diminished in certain individuals. So, it dosn't cause lack of morality, but it does not provide anything to combat it.