I agree Ricecake, if your intention is to merely convey your stone like stubborn less then justifiable opinion of Japanese, you have succeeded and we no lnoger require your input in this thread to remind us of your feelings, you have exhausted any value your input has to this discussion, mainly because you dont have any.
When you feel you can make more objective contributions then feel welcome.
I agree with Hachiro, his posts have been informative and he hasnt claimed the position of Japanese nationalist.
He has merely brought up the VERY good question that is, why can some people hate another people for little justification?.
He puts forth that if you must hate, it should be placed on people you have personal experience of.
You may hate Koizumi, but you cannot make sweeping statements that you can somehow hate all Japanese, especially if you've never met a single one.
He also brings up the point that in WW2 America and Japan were enemies, America media frequently referred to the Japanese and "Japs & Nips" and often spouted off the kind of language that we now only attribute to neo-nazi's and terrorists.
It is 60 years after, most involved are dead, and Hachiro explains that here we have an America, witness, as he explains his marriage, his LOVE for a woman of Japanese nationality.
His point is that if China can hate Japan for WW2 then so can America and the allies, yet here we have a situation of peace between the allies and Japan, and westerners marrying and loving Japanese, living and working there, having children there or with our Japanese partners, this is hardly what one would call hating an old enemy.
Japan is no longer your enemy, I think Hachiro is trying to say, and that, perhaps you can forget a pointless hatred, and even better, get to know Japanese people.
I dispise China's communist regime, because its not communist and it isnt fair, people still dissappear, but I dont hate the Chinese, China, and tis culture, just because of the regime, which is seperate.
Japans wartime regime doesnt even exist, 60 years dead.

Quote Originally Posted by Rocklee
Ontopic: I think we should end this, don't you think? This is starting to become a "China vs Japan"-thread.
I concur, we must teach people that if they are seeking arguments and flame-wars, they must look elsewhere.