Quote Originally Posted by gs001
you mean Chinese people suffer from political threat everyday?
Your media or your government told you that?
Chinese people now worry about unemployment, high housing price,
high price medical treatment, high tuition fee......
Now we can see your government's propaganda is more powerful than communist propaganda and that propaganda makes you misconstrue other country.
Maybe that is why at all time American consider themself always right

I think that alot of Americans are still under the impression that China is one of the most Communistic (if that's a word ) countries on the planet. Many people here don't know that with all the economic changes that are happening in China there are some political changes that taking place that we don't even know about. I for one, don't believe the China is Communist, I mean censoring certian sites and information doesn't make a country Communist. I mean, you hear people say "oh in China those people virtually have not freedom" but I think with all the economic changes taking place, these old ideas of Communism and Maoism are being challenged.