Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
That's interesting, because I have never seen or heard of such tours in Europe. They probably exist, but there is little advertisement for them, and few people that take them. I also doubt that any European would go all the way to New York just to see autumn foliage. I guess they see it as part of a broader tour that includes a visit of NYC and other sightseeing places. In Japan, however, there are many tours in which people take the plane and bus just to see the foliage (and eat).
Yep, I've been to one of those New England "fall foliage" tours. (My sister-in-law and I were the only Japanese in the group made up most of Americans and some Latin Americans.) Our bus left from Boston and toured New Hampshire and Vermont. I was told that the fall colors in New England are brighter than those found in Japan because of the varieties of trees found in the region (mostly maple). It was true, and my sister-in-law loved it!

We just toured the forests, parks and ponds and dropped by a very old-looking inn for lunch made up of homemade apple cider, bread and a plate of New England cod (sauteed, if I remember correctly) and veggies. The food was great, and my sister-in-law wanted to buy the homemade butter and take it home (when we were still on the first leg of our trip... ) We didn't make any shopping stops or go to major cultural or entertainment sites in the tour. Just the trees and back to Boston!

This type of trips in the Northeast of the US is growing very popular, and I can't make hotel reservations easily (at affordable hotels) in the fall season any more!

This should be true also for Montreal and Quebec City in Canada!

I wonder what's happening this year with the heavy rains...