Quote Originally Posted by bossel
German would be a good idea! Because I can't understand. Thought it was my crappy Mandarin (which is BTW much, much crappier than expected), but my girlfriend can't understand either.
Heh, I just noticed that I used the wrong verb in the first sentence for one. Well, I guess my Mandarin's crappier than I thought. Maybe working on that generative grammar would be a good idea....

If I had done it in German it probably would have been the same result anyway. I was trying to ask how your stay in China is going.[/OFF-TOPIC]

[Edit] By the way I realized my mistakes, especially after talking to my Mandarin-speaking roommate. I was using Japanese grammar.

Should have been more like this:
?˜đ椒†•ś?H?Ý’†� ‰ß“žœƒ›őžéH