You have a few options. People who don't work cannot get credit cards, my J wife says.

1. See if will let you make an order to be delivered COD and not require a credit card number. We've had such deliveries made, and you pay when the books arrive, but I don't remember if we used my Amazon account or the related credit card info.

2. You could send the money for such things via Post Office.

3. You could try to get a store card, instead of a VISA, JCB, or other major card. For example, see if Parco or AEON will let you make such a card using your husband's bank information. My wife has a couple of these, but she said you have the option to use them as credit cards or just point cards. She took the latter option.

4. You might also want to ask your husband if it's ok to use his credit card info when you place orders on Amazon. You'd probably have to use his name when you place the order, but that's between you and him to agree on.