Hmm, well most of my school years are a bit hazy--I tend to be good about not remembering unpleasant things when I don't have to.

It's not that I ever started trouble, I'm just a firm believer in always giving back what you're given--and if that means kicking classmates in the ribs, overturning desks, telling the teachers to "go f*ck yourself" and locking everyone out of the class computer, well...

...that just makes it fun.

Kind of a shame really, I was always interested in learning--but public schools in California really aren't the place to do it.

The kids were mad because I was smarter than them, the teachers were mad because I was smarter than them, and everybody was mad because I wouldn't go along with their BS and was fully capable of kicking their a$$es if they tried to use force to keep me in line...

...kind of the same story now, except now I can keep to myself so those kinds of conflicts don't come up as often--I wonder what idiot made attending school a legal mandate in this country.