Hi there! My first post and it's not a pleasant one... Sorry in advance, I might sound quite harsh but these posts just struck a nerve...
Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas0016 View Post
If you look at English and German, they are frightenly identical to each other.
Is that so? Bother to back that up? I assume that you are fluent in both languages, or what makes you so sure about your claim?
Since German and English are, as you put it "frightenly identical to each other", it surely poses no problem to the average German speaker to read and speak English as well? Or more interestingly vice versa? I have, of course, met oh so many Americans and Britons who speak perfectly German, you know... And guess what? Swedish is also "frightenly identical [to German]" that's why I can easily read anything in Swedish, even though I don't speak it at all. Why do I bother replying in English, btw?
Vielleicht sollte ich auf Deutsch umsatteln, es sollte dir und allen anderen Leuten die Englisch sprechen sicher keine großartigen Probleme bereiten, nicht wahr?
Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas0016 View Post
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
ein zwei drei vier fünf sechs sieben acht neun zehn
I talk about food, every single living organizim eats it.
Wow, you can count in English and in German! (Oh, well, it's "Eins", btw. And, I don't know if it's the forum or just me, the umlaut isn't displayed, so just avoid it by spelling it with 'ue', but I bet you are well aware of this, right?) Now you've proved everything! Tell you what, let's count in French, as well!
un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
oh my gosh! Don't you see the pattern? Like with "one" and "un"?! This can be no coincidence, they are too similar to each other, therefore we can safely conclude, that French is identical to German and English and Swedish? Maybe even Spanish and Italian? I guess there is only one language in Europe, since by your standards they are all identical! Hooray!