Originally posted by nzueda
I don't get why people are saying that Japan is racist!!!
Hi Oamaru-san.

I said there's racism simply because I've experienced it so often.

Quick examples:

-an old (70 y.o.?) Japanese man coming up to me on a street in Tokyo and going off his head at me in full-on Japanese blaming me for this and that, telling me to get the hell out of his country (I was just standing at a traffic light!).

-turned away from, oh, a good 8~10 hotels ("Gaijin dame!").

-turned away from night-clubs ("Gaijin dame!").

-stopped by police for no reason whatsoever.

There are too many...............

But, yes, I agree with you completely- gaikokugins also get preferential treatment a lot of the time simply for just being foreigners.

Exepensive- it's true, things cost a lot more than N.Z. but you get paid a whole lot more too. I agree. Still, I can't help thinking- for example- that the money I spent on the 300 C.D.s I bought in Nippon could have bought me 600(!) C.D.s in N.Z...

etc etc......

And movie tickets are daylight robbery.