Nice post, but I think a bit exaggerated & culturally biased.

Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
Some even stranger looking ones talk to themselves, typically angrily as if possessed by some oni (Japanese term for evil spirit). Tokyo's numerous (mostly middle-aged or edlerly) homeless naturally also suffer from such deliriums.
Can't really talk about the incidence, but this is quite common (well, common, you see these people once in a while) in Germany, too. As long as they talk to themselves, no problem, it gets annoying when they try to drag you into their (internal) monologue. Happened to me just yesterday, brrr.

This baffled me as I had hardly ever seen elderly women walking with such a frame in Europe
This may be different nowadays. I didn't see very many of those a few years ago, but recently these frames have become rather common, too. But this is perhaps a problem of perception. Maybe I simply didn't notice these frames before. Only now that my grandma needs one, I have become a bit more observant.

the Japanese didn't drink animal milk until the Meiji Era [...] and still drink little of it and very few dairy products compared to Westerners.
I don't think you can blame them for that. AFAIK, most Japanese lack a certain enzyme to properly digest milk & dairy products.

The second reason is that many (but not all) Japanese people still find such monstruosities "cute" (they also find creeping elderly people "cute"). In Western countries, most people would have their teeth straightened, but in Japan it is still considered a mostly unnecessary luxury.
Monstrosities? This is a bit over the top. Whether you like that or not is a matter of personal taste. Only if it's a health issue, I'd understand any concern.

You can take almost any train at any time of the day in Tokyo and you are bound to find some men reading porn in at least one of the carriages (several per carriage during the rush hours).
Perverted? Quite a strong word for this. Morals are relative & very much dependent on the culture you live in. Maybe you could call this perverse in the US, but in Japan? Anyway, reading porn is relatively harmless or would you really consider this more dangerous to mental health than some kids playing shooters on their PSPs?

Japanese porn is notorious for its emphasis on rape simulation, sado-masochism and pseudo-pedophilia
Now this is something you really could be worried about (except for the SM stuff). Although I would only go as far in the case of reading such stuff in public, for there may be some kids in the trains who might get the wrong impressions.

Take for example this woman who poisoned the curry at a festival in Wakayama, which killed 4 people and injured 63 more[...]Teenagers killing their parents, school children killing each others, someone shooting all a neighbour's family because they were too noisy, etc.
Again I'm not sure about the incidence, but this stuff does also occur in other countries. Eg. in China it seems a somewhat regular occurrence that someone poisons a whole group of people (just from my memory now).

This is not just crime-related. There are plenty more of perverted stories, like the mothers who give their sons blow jobs to motivate them to study
Interesting to say the least, but again not necessarily perverted, but perhaps merely a cultural difference.

People just can't watch in front of them and can't walk straight !
Not just in Japan. Quite annoying problem for me here in Germany, too. Perhaps because I'm kind of a straight walker (if you can say so in English). If I want to go somewhere I try to take the fastest & shortest route, while most people more or less stroll around.

there is an increasing number of non-working mums lazy and irresponsible enough to buy fastfood for the kids rather than cooking.
Sounds again quite Western to me. Well, Western, make that modern. Seems to be a common problem in industrialised nations (even in China nowadays).

the comments in this artcile do not apply to the whole Japanese population. Let us call it the "bad half". Each country probably has its bad half.
Only too true, although I have some problems with "good" & "bad." This is all rather relative.