Don't it always seem to go,
that you don't know what you got till it's gone?

That would make sense. I always vote for right here, right now because there is no place I would rather be. This definition I think would exclude the present.

If a golden is age remembered with nostalgia, then it is clear to see why the present age would never be included... we are living in it right now, and don't need to remember it. The problem with nostalgia of any kind is that it usually ignores the dirty, difficult, inconvenient and unpleasant realities.

The Meiji era-- Japan's modernization and growth to becomming a world power- The Restoration of the Emperor and the end of Feudal Japan... the literature and block prints capturing the clash of traditional and modern... that whole exciting period of conflict and turmoil that ended isolation and destroyed the old order and challenged old values... I don't know if I am "nostalgic" for that age, but it does intrigue me.

My friend showed me a hand colored block print of Mutsuhito and the Empress in Western clothing- a military uniform and Victorian gown... escorted by the guard in Western style uniforms... across the enterence to a Japanese stone castle. The juxtoposition of Japanese art styles with such European accoutraments is amazing.