I meaned I have a (non japanese)girl friend, I don't know yet if we can plan something, but I'm sure I don't want to be married. That doesn't mean I don't want to live with someone one day or that I don't want to have child. No I think marriage is something you have to believe in, something that mean something for you. For me, it doesn't mean anything else that law obligation, society pressure, non-thinking-and-doing-it-the-common-way. I don't want to feel oppressed by the surrounding society, that because I'm married I should do things like this and not like this. You may think I act like a teenager rebelling himself against society and so on, but this is not the case. My background, my education have been building as it does happen foe everybody on earth, a certain way of thinking, a system of value which I tend to refer to. According to mine, marriage means strictly nothing. Hopefully my girlfriend thinks the same!
My parents aren't married, and they haven't face any kind of matter (except me, of course!) so far.