Im a cash girl. I know how much I can spend, and can start getting depressed about it when it diminishes.
I have had credit cards in the past, and happily chopped them up. Im useless with money, I would actually rather somebody gave me a daily allowance (of my money, of course) and then I would probably be ok. My problem is that I cant go window shopping, I have to buy at least one thing as soon as I walk out the door of my house. I should be locked up forever in a huge mansion with everything that would make me happy, but not given any money.
Haha, it hasnt been a problem for the last four months, because I havent even HAD any money. Now that I have a little room to live in with a TV to occupy my time, im happy too, and wont have to go out 'spending'. Then there are the dangers of going to the supermarket... I have never been the type to write lists, and I really really know I should, so then again, I have to limit myself to a certain amount of money to take with me. Then I wander around putting things in my trolley and then taking them out again when I decide I like something else, and then realise I dont have enough money for even half the stuff in my trolley and put almost eveything back until I am left with only maybe 5 things not really needed, but I dont realise that till I get home.
That is the reason why I now have 5 suitcases instead of the 1 that I bought with me 4 months ago.