You don't even want to know my view. I have to live with it everyday. I have to deal with the business trips taken at the spur of the moment, husband working like a slave without hardly ever getting a raise or promotion, stress levels coming out of the roof, etc. etc. etc. etc.

I have been on the inside working, and I know how it is. Perfection. If the manufactoring process isn't perfect, it's damn well as near to perfection as it possibly can be.

A good example of how much quality means to the Japanese is that not too long ago, Nippon Denso pulled out of Mexico because the quality was so bad. Here the U.S. is manufactoring everything everywhere but the U.S. just as long as the labor is cheap, and here's Nippon Denso getting the heck out of the land of cheap labor because the quality of their work is horrendous. It shows where their priorities are, I believe.

To me, they certainly know how to make a quality product, but it definitely has it's drawbacks on a personal level. I know, but who cares about that, right?