Originally posted by Maciamo
Permanent residency is different of citizenship. What's more, Japan doesn't extradite its own citizens, as we've seen with Fujimori. Your wife or children couldn't be extradite if they are still Japanese. What's more Canada has no power to come and fetch people in Japan. At best they could arrest the abductor if they come to Canada or ask the Japanese government to hand them over, but they probably have better to do.
Permanent residency, at least in Canada, demands the same in terms of responsibility and respect of the law... Meaning that permanent residents are under the same dooms as us poor citizens...

You're right. The Canadian government has no power to deport citizens in Japan. The Canadian government would demand the child and parent (or at least the parent) be deported and if Japan failed to comply, then it would create, just as in Fujimori's case, a media circus and sooner or later someone would have to give. Didn't you hear that Japan was on the verge of giving Fujimori up?