Quote Originally Posted by Astroboy View Post
When I traveled across Europe, I was often stopped by police, immigration officer, train master, etc. to show them my passport.
I cant say too much without knowing some more specific details but it sounds like they were also lawless pigs with the obvious exception of the immigration officer at the airport... Even the train master???? Sorry but i find it very hard to believe.

Quote Originally Posted by Astroboy View Post
At the airports in Europe, EU passport holders go to different gate, while Japanese passport holders go to another gate, taking more time at passport control.
So? Whats the point? Why tell me this? I have never complained about having to go to a different gate at immigration control.

Quote Originally Posted by Astroboy View Post
But I have never heard about any complaints from my Japanese friends because I and others believe different country has different rules. Or you believe all countries must adjust to your preference ? because you are different from any others.
Well now we reach the crux of the situation..... Talking about rules is it too much to ask that the pigs obey the law? Furthermore, I shouldnt care about being singled out becasue I have white skin?